The Third Annual IMG Reader Survey Win a copy of Marathon! Simply fill out the following survey (or the teach text one in the IMG folder) and mail, e-mail, or fax your survey to one of the following addresses. Look in next month's issue for the survey results. All prizes are compliments of Bungie Software. NOTE: We must receive your reader survey by 3/15/95 Inside Mac Games Magazine™ 3862 Grace Lane Glenview, IL 60025 Please DO NOT fax in surveys or E-mail: eWorld: Tuncer (preferred) America Online: IMGames CompuServe: 71554,2761 Internet: ------------------ cut here and send back ---------------- How old are you? ___ Under 20 ___ 21-29 ___ 30-39 ___ 40-49 ___ 50+ What Macintosh do you own? _____________________ What do you own a PowerMac? ___ Yes ___ No If you don't own a PowerMac, will you eventually buy one and when? _____________________ What do you use your computer most for? ___ Work ___ Finance ___ Games ___ Education What is your current favorite game? ______________________________ What is your favorite shareware game? ______________________________ What was the BEST Mac game ever released? ______________________________ What was the WORST Mac game ever released? ______________________________ What game that is currently on the PC but is not available on the Mac would you like to see? ______________________________ How many hours a week do you play games on the Mac? ___ 0-2 hours ___ 2-4 hours ___ 4-6 Hours ___ 6-on hours Do you own a CD-ROM drive? ___ Yes ___ No If you answered no to the above question, do you plan to buy a CD-ROM to play CD-ROM games (among other things)? ___ Yes ___ No What types of games do you like the most? ___ Arcade/Action ___ Adventure ___ Role-Playing ___ Sports ___ Strategy/War ___ Flight Simulators Who is your favorite Mac Game publisher? ____________________________ Do you own a joystick? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, which one? __________________________ What features of Inside Mac Games do you like the most? _________________________________________________ What features of Inside Mac Games do you like the least? _________________________________________________ What would you like to see MORE of in Inside Mac Games, the magazine? _________________________________________________ Your Name ______________________________ Address _________________________________ City ___________________ State ____ Zip Code _____________ Phone ____________________